League Members

Cascadia Premier League

The Cascadia Premier League is a men’s and women’s adult amateur soccer league based in Washington and Oregon with an instituted promotion and relegation system. Cascadia was built on the foundation of the Western Washington Premier League which debuted in 2018.

Cascadia currently features 14 men’s teams and will be adding a third Divison for the 2022 season. The long anticipated debut of the Cascadia Women’s League will also launch in 2022, with a potential of 2 women’a divisions to launch in the Spring.

Eastern Premier Soccer League

  • Non-Profit - Unlike other national leagues, the EPSL is a non-profit 501(c) organization. The EPSL is not set up as a business to make money, rather to serve its Clubs and players.

  • Strong Inclusive Governance - The EPSL will be governed by by-laws and an Executive Board composed of elected officers, representatives from member feeder leagues, representation from USASA Region 1, and representation from member clubs.

  • Groundbreaking Inter-League Promotion/Relegation - The EPSL fully supports promotion and relegation and puts this into practice with the first ever interleague promotion/relegation in the United States by partnering with two historic elite local soccer leagues that have produced numerous USASA National Champions, US Open Cups, and dramatic US Open Cup runs. All clubs should have an opportunity to advance and play at the highest level based on sporting merit.


Mountain Premier League

The Mountain Premier League (MPL), was founded in 2017. MPL offers a competitive league format which includes promotion, relegation and plays during the traditional Fall-Spring calendar. In its partnership with the National Independent Soccer Association (NISA) the MPL can offer clubs throughout Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and Idaho an opportunity to become professional through sporting merit and proper business practices.

The partnership with NISA allow for the MPL to provide playing opportunities for players 15+.

MPL believes in having a "club over league" mentality. Our clubs help determine all the decisions within our league. We seek relationship with independent clubs within our system, to join in our belief in our core principles of teamwork and sporting meritocracy.

Southwest Premier League

The Southwest Premier League (SWPL), formerly known as SoCal Premier League, was founded in 1976. For decades SoCal Premier has offered a competitive league format which includes promotion, relegation and plays during the traditional Fall-Spring calendar. In its partnership with the National Independent Soccer Association (NISA) the SWPL can offer clubs throughout Arizona, Nevada, San Diego and Southern California an opportunity to become professional through sporting merit and proper business practices.

The partnership with NISA allow for the SWPL to provide playing opportunities for players 15-65+.

SWPL believes in having a "club over league" mentality. Our clubs help determine all the decisions within our league. We have over 100 independent clubs within our system, all of whom believe in our core principles of teamwork and sporting meritocracy.

Florida Gold Coast League

To educate and support local soccer clubs that want to grow their clubs in a Pro Amateur environment.

Metroplex Premier League

To educate and support local soccer clubs that want to grow their clubs in a Pro Amateur environment.

Metroplex Premier League is a Regional Dallas – Fort Worth Area soccer league with ambition to create a pathway from Recreational / Academy Leagues to Pro Amateur League with a affordable league entry. Metroplex Premier League (MPL) is targeting members of local soccer recreational leagues that want to compete at higher level not just within a recreational atmosphere. MPL Mission: To educate and support local soccer clubs that want to grow their clubs in a Pro Amateur environment. MPL Vision:  Connect  Our League through Pro / Rel  with a National League for clubs to earn their way up the pyramid of US Soccer while providing players with exposure to pro clubs or college scouts.

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